Welcome to the BRAND NEW WEBSITE!!! I am so glad you are here. There are no words to express how exciting this is for me. It’s JOY overload. I have been working on this and visualizing it for months. Seeing it all come together has absolutely blown me away and I hope you love it […]

I don’t know how much this will resonate with you but this one is profound for me. I have been using the word congruent for a long time. I remember sitting in a therapist’s office many years ago and her asking me, “What do you want to get out of this?” Without skipping a beat […]

When I wrote these words last night, tears stung my eyes, which surprised me a little. I have broken up with a lot of habits and ended quite a few cycles in the last eighteen months. It didn’t happen all at once. I have not so simply picked one thing at a time and done […]

There are days when so many things feel overwhelming, I am ate up with insecurity and my mind feels like a 13 year old bully is throwing a fit and running the show. In those moments I want to be anyone but me. I can think of a billion reasons why nothing is right and […]

It’s not a competition y’all. Have mercy, I know it feels like it sometimes. But I promise that there are no trophies, gold stars, tiaras or medals coming your way. What a world it would be if we could all just let each other be ourselves and learn our lessons in peace without taking it […]

I have always cared what people thought and craved approval. A lot. Maybe it’s the way I am wired. Maybe it’s that I grew up in the arts where someone was constantly assessing, evaluating and critiquing my ability and comparing it to someone else. Maybe it’s just lots of insecurity that manifested in a desire […]

It’s funny how the mind works. We want to set limits, say no, speak our truth and be free from so many of the thoughts and feelings that have kept us hustling for approval, belonging and acceptance. We start to make some progress and hold fast to the decision to try letting things go a […]

Mercy sister…it’s exhausting trying to be all the things to all the people all the time. So exhausting in fact that when we fall prey to this way of being, it’s easy to lose sight of who we are, start playing roles and get lost in the chaos. I have lived various versions of this […]

One of my favorite memories of 2018 happened yesterday. It was unexpected, the way most memorable moments are and it was so rich with metaphor that I feel compelled to share it. I think you will appreciate the story but more than anything I believe that it has something in it for so many of us. I come […]

Many people who have followed me on Facebook or Instagram know that I post a lot about love…a  concept that I am radically familiar and unfamiliar with. When I began my career as a social worker, I wore shoes covered in silver glitter and was full of rainbow and unicorn ideas of social justice. In an […]

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If you're feeling the burnout from people pleasing, this is for you! Boundaries are the new black and I'm teaching you four steps to increase your freedom by putting solid boundaries in place!

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